Moving on to Explorer Scouts

Once a Scout reaches the age of 14, it is time for them to move on to the next Section, Explorer Scouts.

There is some flexibility, we can keep a child up to 14 1/2 in order for them to complete their Chief Scouts Gold Award.

Unfortunately, 5th Risca don't yet have an Explorer Scout Unit attached directly to our group, but its certainly something that we would aspire to do in the very near future. In the mean time, we don't want our 14 year olds to miss out on the amazing opportunities that continuing Scouting will provide them, including completing their Chief Scouts Platinum and Chief Scouts Diamond Awards, which will all count towards the highest award in Scouting, the Queens Scout Award!

Our nearest Explorer Scout Unit (ESU) is Cwm Gwyddon ESU, which meets in Abercarn every other Friday.


For more information, contact or visit their Facebook page

But please do keep in touch with us at 5th Risca, we want to know how you are getting on, and who knows... you might want to come back to 5th Risca in the future to lead our younger sections?!

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5th Risca Scout Troop
Scout Hall, Off Lower Wyndham Terrace, Pontymister, Risca, South Wales, NP11 6QQ

Scout Association Group Reg No. 23912
Material on this website has been reproduced by permission of The Scout Association

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